This blog basically gives me a place to post all my pictures of life going on around me and somewhere to post something clever if there happens to be no one around to share it with!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Alex is moving back home and he's been slowly moving his stuff in. Obviously he's very good at it...mehehehe.
 Happy Halloween! I stayed home with my sling :( but my parents went to a party as Caesar and Cleopatra, aren't they cute.
 Looking regally off into the kitchenware...
 We're making a bookshelf for my books, staining the shelves right now :)
 This was at my dad's friend's shop, ha!
 We sent this to Jess asking if she wanted the metal thing..ha! Saleswoman.
 Dad trying to show up Alex on the sax. They both sucked! If you could hear the baddddd.
 Mom made chili! Sooooo goooooooood.

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