This blog basically gives me a place to post all my pictures of life going on around me and somewhere to post something clever if there happens to be no one around to share it with!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Vermont Picture Post (What a surprise)

First order of business was, of course, the original Ben & Jerry's facility, which originated in Burlington, Vermont. It was awesome! These are HUGEEEEE building sized storage containers. Look at all that sugar!
The classic B&J travel van
The inside was super colorful and fun, mom and Jess entering.
Even the bathroom was ice cream fun!
There was a lot of super useful items in the gift Jess pointed out.
Then we went to a creamery and tasted all these cheeses! We like the horseradish cheddar the best. We also got tomato basil cheddar.
Downtown Burlington. We walked around and shopped a little. I got some new goggles.
We finally got to our room and this is the *night view off our balcony.

*night refering to the 430 sunset...

First real day at the Smuggler's Notch resort. We went to get ready for snowboarding but it was too warm so most of the snow was icey :( So we're going early tomorrow instead so it's cold and less packed. I'm super bummed! I want to snowboard! Instead we went to this AWESOME zip lining tree trek. It was beautiful! 
Leaning over the edge. The family that was with us hugged to the center the entire time hehe.
Jess showing off ;) I coached her to do it though!
We so cute! We had the worlds BEST snowball fight too. On our way back from the trek, we walked through this wooded trail. I noticed Alex was subtly holding a snowball by his side. This would not do! So I subtly picked one up, then Jess subtly picked one up. I chucked mine at Jess's head, she threw it at Alex and Alex tossed his way forward past the four person family and the two guides. This was his "heads up to the forward group." They all passed the awesome test  though! As soon as they saw the snow, they each leaned over, scooped up the snow, and joined the battle. I don't know if you metaphorical readers have been in a snowball fight, but trees are ideal for a snowball fight. Eet was soo fun! I'm glad because I'm no longer bitter about not snowboarding. Woo!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Woodward is redoing their street section, What?! And other news

The big street was my favorite spot to skate, but I'm so excited about new stuff! There's going to be a spine and a huge extended foam pit. And one SUPER awesome thing is a quarter pipe at the end of the resi, so no more slamin!

Here's a clip from Teen Titans, a flash from my childhood, her expression kills me still!

Finishing a paper the other day, I got a little frustrated...

It's time to put up the Christmas lights! Alex did the main trunk but I did all the dangerous smaller branches.
 Final effect! Merry Christmas

Alex gave Jess a ride when we went to visit a friend Aw!

Dinner time! Can you guess which one is mine? (Hint: There's red wine in some of them)
 More Festivities!
 My bird, Mellow Yellow, he's so cute, and he let me pet him. He must have been in a good mood.
 We went to Grandma's house! And looked adorable while there.
 Jess is sharing her drink with Justin. People started sharing when she pet his head.
 Then she wrote a letter to Santa.
 And sent it...

We're in Vermont on a nice vacation. There's not a lot of snow but the slopes have plenty being made and I CAN"T wait to snowboard! I haven't skated since my surgery and this is my first allowed activity. This is my sneak shot on the plane, muahahahah.

Then we went to Magic Hat Brewery (obviously not my idea...) and there was this cute dog called Cassie! She could do tricks. She has a treat on her nose in this pic and she'd toss it up and eat it! Cute dog is cute!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bathrooms Conversations: Bathroom conversations are always awkward. Even if you think they aren’t, they are. Even if you’re positive they aren’t, there will always be a little undercurrent of discomfort coursing through the rivers of your conversation.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday!

I've never gone shopping for black friday, but the energy is just SO contagious, it's like a holiday, I love it! I worked from 4am-10pm last year at GameStop and I loved it! This year I only work 6am-3pm but what ever! Anyway, in the spirit of Black Friday, here are some super funny commercials ha!
Rebecca Black Friday
Biebs Friday

Almost done with school!

Only a week left till this semester is over, can't wait! Here's some pictures from the past couple of weeks, it's too hard to do everyday with my spotty internet connection ;)

My new scar and the plate taken from it, cool huh? 
 I didn't work the halo aniversary/assassin's creed revelations midnight, but I swung by to pick up revelations and this nerd was waiting in line, ha!
 My last day tutoring at Clearlake, they gave me a goody bag! So good, there's chocolate in the bag mehehe.
 Dad had his back surgery last week, so we've been helping him a lot, including a 20 minute walk 2 times a day. He has some nerdy pj pants >.<.
 I died my rice blue the other day, teehee
 Jess and I went to the Bladesgiving comp in St. Augustine on Saturday, it was super fun but I wish I could have skated in it :( We still had a great time watching. This is us driving, weeee!
 Before the comp, we went to a super cool farmer's market and bought some DELICIOUS garlic spread. yummmm. This is one of the stalls.
 They sold pot there...pots, that is. (see what I did there?)
 And wands, you never know when they might need your handy wand...
 These were really cool, you put a candle in it and it was a blazing commit thing.
 Then afterward we went to this super restaurant before heading home from St. Augustine.

 These are some old pics I like, I thought they were on le facebook but I couldn't find it. So now they're here! One of my few frontside 5-0s before I lost it :(
 Blunt to rock
 We so fly, sis and I........<---Totally intentional

Monday, November 7, 2011

So stoked

That class will be over soon. That I'll have a bookshelf soon. And a clean room. That my brother is moving  in. That the weather is becoming nice. That I'm going snowboarding twice this winter. That my shoulder is healing. That there's a new underworld coming out!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Alex is moving back home and he's been slowly moving his stuff in. Obviously he's very good at it...mehehehe.
 Happy Halloween! I stayed home with my sling :( but my parents went to a party as Caesar and Cleopatra, aren't they cute.
 Looking regally off into the kitchenware...
 We're making a bookshelf for my books, staining the shelves right now :)
 This was at my dad's friend's shop, ha!
 We sent this to Jess asking if she wanted the metal thing..ha! Saleswoman.
 Dad trying to show up Alex on the sax. They both sucked! If you could hear the baddddd.
 Mom made chili! Sooooo goooooooood.

Friday, October 28, 2011


So I got the metal plate out of my collar bone today and I am s.o.r.e! My throat hurts from the breathing tube and my shoulder is super sore! I haz te drugz to help but I can't wait to heal up, and now I have a weekend off! What to do? Read or Watch tv...homework it is! I'm so happy I got it out though, especially with winter on the way. Having a cold piece of metal screwed into your bone seriously hurts! Good riddance!

And All That Jazz

Okay so, Busy week! 
Part ONE
Last weekend we went to visit Jessie in Tampa. Mom, dad and I went to Howl O Scream where she works as a shrub and had a great time! We did a lot more too as seen in pics!

Jess is shrubbified! She quit that night because some one smacked her in the face because he thought he was funny. I'm glad because she really hated that job.

 Big scary guy
 A dinner show
 Terrible photo of all of us and a zombie
 Dad and his pal
 A statue person!

Part TWO
The next day we all went to M.O.S.I which is a science museum that had this awesome sky walk playground thing!
 Jess was scared, I wasn't (of course ;)
 It had a harness but enough slack that you would forget about it being on so it was still fun high up.
 Dad was so brave and came with us all the way to the top even though he's afraid of heights!

 Mom came with us up two steps of the stairs and then forced someone to hold her hand on the way down. She took pictures of us...and herself!
 Triumph on the way back down, it was super fun!
 Then we ate at this awesome 100 year old restaurant. DELICIOUS!
 Look how cute my parents are! 


I met some fellow girl skaters in Titusville when I went for a loner sesh last Friday and they invited me for a quick saturday sesh before Howl O Scream. I taught Deanna and Megan to do rock to fakies! Yeah!
 I found this super cute pic I took a while ago with Alex and Grandma. Too bad she's an alcoholic and I never see her anymore *bitterness*
 Cute hats for Jess and I when we go to Vermont for a snow trip in December! CAN'T WAIT!