This blog basically gives me a place to post all my pictures of life going on around me and somewhere to post something clever if there happens to be no one around to share it with!

Friday, October 28, 2011

And All That Jazz

Okay so, Busy week! 
Part ONE
Last weekend we went to visit Jessie in Tampa. Mom, dad and I went to Howl O Scream where she works as a shrub and had a great time! We did a lot more too as seen in pics!

Jess is shrubbified! She quit that night because some one smacked her in the face because he thought he was funny. I'm glad because she really hated that job.

 Big scary guy
 A dinner show
 Terrible photo of all of us and a zombie
 Dad and his pal
 A statue person!

Part TWO
The next day we all went to M.O.S.I which is a science museum that had this awesome sky walk playground thing!
 Jess was scared, I wasn't (of course ;)
 It had a harness but enough slack that you would forget about it being on so it was still fun high up.
 Dad was so brave and came with us all the way to the top even though he's afraid of heights!

 Mom came with us up two steps of the stairs and then forced someone to hold her hand on the way down. She took pictures of us...and herself!
 Triumph on the way back down, it was super fun!
 Then we ate at this awesome 100 year old restaurant. DELICIOUS!
 Look how cute my parents are! 


I met some fellow girl skaters in Titusville when I went for a loner sesh last Friday and they invited me for a quick saturday sesh before Howl O Scream. I taught Deanna and Megan to do rock to fakies! Yeah!
 I found this super cute pic I took a while ago with Alex and Grandma. Too bad she's an alcoholic and I never see her anymore *bitterness*
 Cute hats for Jess and I when we go to Vermont for a snow trip in December! CAN'T WAIT!

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