This blog basically gives me a place to post all my pictures of life going on around me and somewhere to post something clever if there happens to be no one around to share it with!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


 So my bro might (MIGHT) be moving back in with us. I'm super stoked because he's super cool! We can play gamezzz and do stuff together now! And he'll mow the lawn! So many wins. Anyway, I took these pics of him and his girlfriend (we love her) Sarah. I didn't take the last one though...

At Pizza Junction in Buffalo, NY, earlier this year. This place was on a t.v show so we had to check it out. Sarah was VERY excited.

 Another trip to Niagra falls. It's only about 45 minutes from my cousin's house.
Alex wearing some of grandpa's things. It's hard to see but those sunglasses have a plastic nose block for maximum sunburn protection. We so cute!
 Look how great they are! I got this from a fun round of Facebook stalking!
Love ya brother!

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