This blog basically gives me a place to post all my pictures of life going on around me and somewhere to post something clever if there happens to be no one around to share it with!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Florida is WET

So it rained...A LOT! My carpet is soaked and we have to find the leak in my room. It was starting to seep through the bookshelf so I had to move everything away from the wall. I'm going to make a bookshelf on the other wall for my books. We had to tear the carpet from the wall and put a dehumidifier to try to save the carpet :( SUCKS! 

This is a picture outside of my work, super windy and pouring!

 dehumidifier and bare wall. I moved that bookshelf and the one next to it too.

 My futon is currently occupied... Can't wait for a new bookshelf!
I can't wait to sleep in my room again!

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