Okay, I'm stoked on this class now. Look how AWESOME my professor is! This is from the syllabus quiz...i got a 100% ;)
What happens if you do not complete one of the proctored exams?
A) It's all good. Don't sweat it.
B) It won't affect my grade because I'm special.
C) Fo shizzle ma nizzle.
D) You fail the course.
If I don't complete more than three weekly assignments OR hand in more than three weekly assignments late, what happens?
A) There will be a blizzard in Brevard County in August next year. And I don't want that on my head so I won't miss more than three weekly assignments (or hand in more than three late).
B) I get a candy bar?
C) Perhaps you missed my response to one of the other questions; It won't affect me because I'm special.
D) It is grounds for failure of the course and/or withdrawal due to non-attendance
What happens if you plagiarize ANY assignment (discussion boards included) for this course?
A) You receive a failing grade for the course. Perhaps not as bad as the other responses but still pretty bad none-the-less.
B) A large man with a bag of door knobs will hunt you down.
C) A puppy dies next to the kitten from the other answer. Talk about a double whammy.
D) A kitten dies somewhere. You don't want that to happen, do you?
When must OUTSIDE of Brevard County proctored requests be made (Hint: see the Proctored Exams section).
A) I don't need a reservation. I'm psychic and can take the tests in my mind. Really, there isn't a need to check, I'll just tell you what grade I earned.
B) The first week of class.
C) You don't have to ask. Just show up and expect them to know what class you're taking this for.
D) 24 hours before you want to take the exam.
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